[Qgis-user] r.drain doesn't work
SÅ‚awomir Bienias
slawomir.bienias at gmail.com
Mon Sep 23 14:40:43 PDT 2013
Hey, everyone..
I have a problem with r.drain in QGIS 2.0.1.
I need to use r.drain tool from Geoprocessing tools. But when I want to use
it, while I have loaded some vector layers (esri shp), Python shows me some
error (below).
"Funny" thing is, when I have loaded only raster files, r.drain works
(r.drain window shows up). Next "funny" thing is, all... ALL of the other
tools work just great. Only r.drain have a problem...
The same problem is on Windows 7 64 bit (osgeo4w installation) and Ubuntu
13.04 32 bit (ubuntugis-unstable ppa).
I noticed, that error is related with shape type (if shapetype ==
QGisLayers.ALL_TYPES or layer.geometryType() in shapetype: TypeError:
argument of type 'float' is not iterable), but I don't know where problem
is and how to solve it...
Below is Python's log error (Windows 7):
Traceback (most recent call last):
line 147, in executeAlgorithm
dlg = ParametersDialog(alg)
line 38, in __init__
self.paramTable = ParametersPanel(self, alg)
line 78, in __init__
line 120, in initGUI
widget = self.getWidgetFromParameter(param)
line 279, in getWidgetFromParameter
options = QGisLayers.getVectorLayers(param.datatype)
line 84, in getVectorLayers
if shapetype == QGisLayers.ALL_TYPES or layer.geometryType() in
TypeError: argument of type 'float' is not iterable
Wersja Pythona:
2.7.4 (default, Apr 6 2013, 19:54:46) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)]
Wersja QGIS:
2.0.1-Dufour Dufour, 34139bc
Lokalizacja Pythona: ['C:/OSGeo4W2/apps/qgis/./python/plugins\\processing',
'C:/OSGeo4W2/apps/qgis/./python', 'C:\\Users\\Binko/.qgis2/python',
'C:\\OSGeo4W2\\bin\\python27.zip', 'C:\\OSGeo4W2\\apps\\Python27\\DLLs',
'C:\\OSGeo4W2\\apps\\Python27\\lib\\lib-tk', 'C:\\OSGeo4W2\\bin',
SÅ‚awomir Bienias
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