[Qgis-user] Problems with Shapely instalation, using the Console
Paulo Gali Macedo
pgmacedo at fc.up.pt
Sat Sep 28 17:49:10 PDT 2013
Hi Everybody,
I ' m a newcomer to QGIS and I'm finding so
problems in running some of its plugins.
Thanks to some of you, I have already made some progress.
Now, I have Qgis 2.0.1 - Dufour, running on a
MacBook Pro with OSX 10.6.8 (Snow Leopard).
However, on trying to load the "Contour" Plugin, I'm still finding dificulties.
Apparently, a Python Plugin called Shapely is missing.
I found two versions of it in the net, and on
trying to setup Shapely, using the Console I now
get the message below.
Can anybody help me ?
On waiting for your answers, I thank you all in advance.
All the Best.
Paulo Gali
Console setup trial for Shapely:
Last login: Sat Sep 28 19:21:22 on console
MBproPGMacedo-5:~ pgmacedo$ cd /Users/pgmacedo/Desktop/Shapely-1.2.16/
MBproPGMacedo-5:Shapely-1.2.16 pgmacedo$
MBproPGMacedo-5:Shapely-1.2.16 pgmacedo$
MBproPGMacedo-5:Shapely-1.2.16 pgmacedo$ python setup.py install
setup.py:9: Warning: Failed to import
distribute_setup, continuing without distribute.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "setup.py", line 16, in <module>
from setuptools.extension import Extension
ImportError: No module named setuptools.extension
MBproPGMacedo-5:Shapely-1.2.16 pgmacedo$ python
-c 'import osgeo; print osgeo.__version__'
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
ImportError: No module named osgeo
MBproPGMacedo-5:Shapely-1.2.16 pgmacedo$ python
-c 'import osgeo; print osgeo.__version__'
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
ImportError: No module named osgeo
MBproPGMacedo-5:Shapely-1.2.16 pgmacedo$ cd
MBproPGMacedo-5:Shapely-1.2.18 pgmacedo$
MBproPGMacedo-5:Shapely-1.2.18 pgmacedo$
MBproPGMacedo-5:Shapely-1.2.18 pgmacedo$ python setup.py install
setup.py:9: Warning: Failed to import
distribute_setup, continuing without distribute.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "setup.py", line 17, in <module>
from setuptools.extension import Extension
ImportError: No module named setuptools.extension
MBproPGMacedo-5:Shapely-1.2.18 pgmacedo$
Prof. Paulo Gali Macedo
Departamento de FĂsica e Astronomia
Faculdade de Ciencias da Universidade do Porto
R. do Campo Alegre, 687
4169-007 Porto
Tel . (+351)-220402854
R. Hernani Torres, 39 - 7 Esq.
4200-320 Porto
Home Tel . (+351)-225021945
TM. (+351)-965871512
<mailto:pgmacedo at fc.up.pt>pgmacedo at fc.up.pt
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