[Qgis-user] Which topics would you choose for a QGIS workshop

Lene Fischer lfi at ign.ku.dk
Sun Aug 17 11:20:46 PDT 2014

Dear Brent, Mark and Randall,
Thanks for your reply. I´m now composing a long day with some interesting excersices.


Fra: Brent Wood [mailto:pcreso at yahoo.com]
Sendt: 15. august 2014 21:33
Til: Lene Fischer; qgis-user at lists.osgeo.org
Emne: Re: [Qgis-user] Which topics would you choose for a QGIS workshop

Very much depends on the audience -

My take on this for workshops I've run over the last few years is to take a more conceptual look at GIS, like:

  *   spatial data idiosyncracies (raster/vector/projections/spheroids/...)
  *   finding/capturing data (download/WMS/WFS/GPS/etc)
  *   managing the data for use (managed data is the foundation of a GIS - Postgis)
  *   QGIS for visualizing (mapping/overlaying/querying/navigating)
  *   QGIS for editing (digitzing/on screen creation)
  *   QGIS for core GIS (CRS management/simple spatial analysis)
  *   QGIS for cartography (composer)
  *   Advanced QGIS - plugins, more serious analysis, interfacing with R/Saga/etc
more about how to do GIS using QGIS than how to use QGIS. I find this works better for people who are both new to GIS & those coming from other GIS tools.

Works for me :-) I also tend to include Postgres/Postgis, Mapserver & some GMT training depending on what people want...

Brent Wood
From: Lene Fischer <lfi at ign.ku.dk<mailto:lfi at ign.ku.dk>>
To: "qgis-user at lists.osgeo.org<mailto:qgis-user at lists.osgeo.org>" <qgis-user at lists.osgeo.org<mailto:qgis-user at lists.osgeo.org>>
Sent: Saturday, August 16, 2014 4:50 AM
Subject: [Qgis-user] Which topics would you choose for a QGIS workshop

In September I´m going to have a full day QGIS workshop at FOSS4G in Portland.
Right now I´m in a middle of a selection of topics/tutorials to be presented - and a have a small problem: Which to choose....
It is possible to either show how a function works and/or have tutorials for participants to work with on a individual basis.

So my question to the list: Which topics do you find most important and/or interesting to show and learn other users.

Lene Fischer
Associate Professor

Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management
University of Copenhagen

MOB +45 40115084
lfi at ign.ku.dk<mailto:lfi at ign.ku.dk>

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