[Qgis-user] OpenStreetMap Error

Jukka Rahkonen jukka.rahkonen at mmmtike.fi
Sun Aug 31 13:16:30 PDT 2014

Andre Joost <andre+joost at ...> writes:

> There are two ways to use OSM in QGIS:
> 1) by downloading OSM raw data with Vector -> Openstreetmap
> 2) by using the Openlayers plugin, which will install into the web menu.


There is also a third way which is to open OSM data with GDAL/OGR. Usage:
Add vector layer - Open an OGR supported Vector Layer - path to
OpenStreetMap .xml or .pbf file. OSM does not seem to be listed as a
supported file format at least in QGIS 2.2 but it works still. The manual
page of OSM driver is http://www.gdal.org/drv_osm.html.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

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