[Qgis-user] Wrong values if DEM in grid format is reprojected

Agustin Lobo alobolistas at gmail.com
Tue Dec 9 02:09:46 PST 2014

I'm using a DEM in esri grid format
(see http://www.icc.cat/eng/Home-ICC/Geoinformacio-digital/Sobre-la-geoinformacio-ICGC/Models-Digitals-d-Elevacions)
which consisits on a txt file with the data and an xml file with the metadata.
The projection is UTM31N on ETRS89 datum (EPSG:25831)

If I display the layer on a project with the same EPSG:25831 there is
no problem,
but if I set the project projection to Geographic coordinates in WGS84
while the grey shades look coorrect and the coordinates are correct, the
actual values are totally wrong: values such as 7.999140e-136.

Is this a general problem with this format? Is there any fix? Is this
a bug to be reported?

Reprojecting to a gtiff using Raster/Projections/Warp works fine.



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