[Qgis-user] Export SHP2GPX Massively

Corredera_Estudio de Ingeniería GEOCOBET CARTOGRAFÍA Y SIG corredera at geocobet.com
Thu Dec 11 01:16:49 PST 2014

I need to move the axes of a SHP track individual GPX each route but
massively, automatic, and not one by one, as the number of tracks contained
in SHP starting is very high and save them one by one to GPX from QGIS
consume much time.
Does anyone know of a way to make that transformation massively?
Thanks and regards

*Francisco Corredera Quesada*
*www.geocobet.com <http://www.geocobet.com>    corredera at geocobet.com
<corredera at geocobet.com>   (+34) 928 80 87 42*

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