[Qgis-user] R: QGIS 2.4 Basic Tutorial

labiancamarilena at libero.it labiancamarilena at libero.it
Sat Jul 26 01:14:49 PDT 2014

Thank you so much for the very useful material. 
I would suggest to all those who, like you publish lecture notes, tutorials....also provide indication to find databases containing shapefile or data.

----Messaggio originale----

Da: mtreglia at gmail.com

Data: 26/07/2014 6.49

A: "qgis-user at lists.osgeo.org"<qgis-user at lists.osgeo.org>

Ogg: [Qgis-user] QGIS 2.4 Basic Tutorial

Hi All,

I developed a tutorial for a 1/2 day workshop that I conducted at my university, and want to make the materials public. I've got them all in a GitHub repository for now, with the main document available as .pdf, .doc, and .md files (the .md needs some work for final formatting before conversion to HTML or something).  I've also posted the data files that i used in a .zip folder (I've checked with the providers and confirmed that is okay).

The repository is here: https://github.com/mtreg/QGIS-Tutorial
I'd be happy to have comments or edits, and any assistance improving text as is necessary. I know the md file is probably best for managing and updating into the future, but would need the most help with that, as I'm new to using markdown.

I hope it is useful to at least some folks - I know similar tutorials exist, at least up through earlier versions of QGIS 2.x, but wanted to make my own that is relevant to data in my field.

If there is another place these materials should be posted, please let me now.


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