[Qgis-user] A discussion: is qgis still affordable in Europe if it violate the Inspire directive ?

Alex Mandel tech_dev at wildintellect.com
Sat Jun 7 11:36:49 PDT 2014

On 06/07/2014 11:19 AM, Andrea Peri wrote:
> Hi,
> AFAIK the qgis server is not complaint with Inspire.
> This beacausethe Response to GetCapabilities is not responding to the
> requisite that the OGC will require for it.
> Originally the qgis was simply generate an incompatible response for the
> XSD of OGC.
> The response is ncompatible for thre thinks:
> 1) the GetCapabilities is in the wrong namespace.
> This is a silly question anc could be easily resolved.
> 2)
> The presence of the GetStyle that is dismissed from OGC wms 1.3.0.
> Please notice that the Inspire require the WMS 1.3.0 .
> To resolve this the QGIS groups has copied the XSD of OGC and modifica it
> to redirect to a different XSD not in the OGC site.
> 3) The presence of a Proprietary tag inserted without any reference to any
> standard.
> The GetPrint.
> This is not present in any other product.
> My question is for any person of a Public Administration that plan or are
> funding QGIS.
> In Europe the Inspire directive will ask to promove the Interoperability.
> The interoperability strategy ask that every produc that allow the inspire
> directive will speak the same language using the same tags and
> functionality.
> The QGIS solution to add a proprietary tag and to write a own different xsd
> that overlap the standard OGC xsd will create the presuppost (AFAIK) to
> vilate the Inspire directive.
> If this is true A Public Administration should not use the QGIS.
> This is a realproblem for us that invest many fund on qgis.
> So I like toknow the opinion of other public administration.
> Before still fund a product that seem to violate the Inspire directive
> principles.
> Thx,

To me the question is flipped. What needs to be funded, probably by EU
agencies to ensure INSPIRE compliance of QGIS Server?
It looks like you've put together the list of what needs to be fixed, so
the target should be easier. I am little puzzled about not allowing for
extra functions that are not in the standard. Unless the WMS has a print
standard an extra print add-on doesn't break any expectations. Who
knows, maybe that should be submitted as an extension to WMS.

Note, this should have no effect on funding and usage of QGIS desktop.
Maybe Paolo has good numbers on if EU agencies are funding Server vs
Desktop features.


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