[Qgis-user] Adding Projections

Andre Joost andre+joost at nurfuerspam.de
Thu Jun 12 11:52:41 PDT 2014

Am 12.06.2014 19:54, schrieb Werner Horsch:
> I've installed QGIS 2.2 on Win as well, there the projection is available,
> but it looks some how strange, there must be any difference between both,
> this has to be the DATUM
> POSGAR 2007 is WGS84 EPSG 1062
> POSGAR 98     is WGS84 EPSG 6190
> does some one knows what's the difference on this?

No difference, just another name. At least for the accuracy 
proj/GDAL/QGIS can provide.

André Joost

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