[Qgis-user] Install Qgis on Ubuntu 14.04
Andre Joost
andre+joost at nurfuerspam.de
Sat Jun 14 11:00:13 PDT 2014
Am 14.06.2014 15:01, schrieb custard:
> On 13/06/14 23:13, Andre Joost wrote:
>> Am 13.06.2014 16:24, schrieb Carmine Massarelli:
>>> The guide to install SDK to read /.ecw/ is here
>>> (http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.comp.gis.osgeo.ubuntu/870), but does
>>> not work in qgis 2.0, maybe i need qgis 2.2.
>> The guide is for Ubuntu raring, using ubuntugis unstable repository.
>> For ecw support, you need the package libgdal-ecw.
>> This is at the moment only available for precise (12.04) and
>> raring(13.04), not for saucy (13.10) or trusty (14.04).
>> So it's more a question of ubuntu version, not qgis version.
> Am I missing something? I haven't been able to see libgdal-ecw for
> anything more recent than raring (13.04)?
No, as I wrote, raring is the last one available.
Unfortunately, ubuntugis has now trusty packages for qgis 2.2 and gdal,
but running with GDAL 1.11.0
> If the libgdal-ecw for trusty does exist, then your link should work
> with the change Andre mentions above, and use trusty where it says raring.
at the moment, it does not exist yet.
> If it doesn't then this is the workaround that I used. It's a quite
> hacky, and I'm not making any guarantees other than it works for me.
> I would strongly suggest that these be read through before you do them
> so you sort-of understand what you're doing first. Feel free to ask
> questions. (or make corrections!)
> Use your step 1-4 for qgis.org/debian above, and make sure you have a
> working QGIS 2.2.
I used ubuntugis unstable, and got QGIS 2.2 working.
> If you had a QGIS installed before you may need to totally
> uninstall qgis python-qgis and their dependants.
> This gets you a working qgis using GDAL 1.10
> Install the ECW SDK.
> [I'm still using the 3.3 SDK so I'm assuming the instructions in
> your link are correct. From the recipe do these bits:]
> Download ERDAS-ECW_JPEG_2000_SDK-5.1.1.bin in
> http://download.intergraph.com/
> Search ERDAS ECW/JP2 SDK v5.1 (Linux) or click
> http://download.intergraph.com/downloads/erdas-ecw-jp2-sdk-v5.1-%28linux%29?startdownload=1
That works too, but the file is now named ECWJP2SDKSetup_5.1.1.bin
So the next actions are
> chmod +x ECWJP2SDKSetup_5.1.1.bin
> ./ECWJP2SDKSetup_5.1.1.bin #Select option desktop read only
> sudo cp -r ERDAS-ECW_JPEG_2000_SDK-5.1.1 /usr/local/
> sudo ln -s
> /usr/local/ERDAS-ECW_JPEG_2000_SDK-5.1.1/Desktop_Read-Only/lib/x86/release/libNCSEcw.so
> /usr/local/lib/libNCSEcw.so
these three lines should go in one.
Does it have to be x86, not x64?
> wget
> https://launchpad.net/~ubuntugis/+archive/ubuntugis-unstable/+files/libgdal-ecw-src_1.10.0-1~raring4_all.deb
> ar vx libgdal-ecw-src_1.10.0-1~raring4_all.deb
> tar -xzf data.tar.gz
> sudo cp usr/src/libgdal-ecw-1.10.0.tar.gz /usr/src/
> sudo cp usr/bin/gdal-ecw-build /usr/bin/
> Run the script
> sudo gdal-ecw-build /usr/local/
> And then you should get something meaningful out of this and ecw files
> should work.
> gdalinfo --formats | grep ecw
unfortunately not. The script ends complaining about missing gdal-config.
At least I get no error starting QGIS.
André Joost
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