[Qgis-user] Install Qgis on Ubuntu 14.04

Andre Joost andre+joost at nurfuerspam.de
Sun Jun 15 00:59:44 PDT 2014

Am 15.06.2014 07:44, schrieb custard:

>>> It also brings us back to, "For the purpose of the original question,
>>> will the old 3.3 SDK be adequate?"
>> Is it still available? Intergraph does not provide it. And
>> <http://de-mirror.org/distro/gentoo/distfiles/libecwj2-3.3-2006-09-06.zip>
>> does not work anymore.
> Yes. Both these seem to be working.
> http://www.kyngchaos.com/files/macosxport/libecwj2-3.3-2006-09-06.zip
> http://mirror.ovh.net/gentoo-distfiles/distfiles/libecwj2-3.3-2006-09-06.zip

I found those now, but the current tutorial is not easily applicable.

> I'm getting a build fail at a different point too you, but that's my
> fault. I forgot to say that you'll need libgdal-dev too (which gives you
> gdal-config).

I got it working now, on 12.04 and 14.04 from ubuntugis.

The last step in the tutorial has to be:

sudo gdal-ecw-build 

This works easily on 12.04 with GDAL 1.10 and libgdal-ecw-src from 
ubuntugis unstable.

For 14.04,  I installed libgdal-dev from ubuntugis:

sudo apt-get install libgdal-dev
sudo gdal-ecw-build 

GDAL from ubuntugis is 1.11, but the script stores the plugin into 
/usr/lib/gdalplugins/1.10, hence it is not found by gdalinfo.

So I created a subfolder 1.11 and copied the .so file into it:

sudo mkdir /usr/lib/gdalplugins/1.11
cd /usr/lib/gdalplugins/1.10
cp gdal_ECW_JP2ECW.so /usr/lib/gdalplugins/1.11

Now gdalinfo finds the plugin, and QGIS as well.

André Joost

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