[Qgis-user] QGIS Web Client with Google Background Maps works only in EPSG 3857

Markus Weidenbach landconsult at freenet.de
Wed Jun 25 07:48:05 PDT 2014

Thanks Bernhard,

I succeeded to add an external WMS in EPSG31467 to the QWC via the QGIS 
Project (and it works in both QWC settings, with authid=3857 and with 
authid=31467). So, including your description for the Background Layer 
in Java, there are quite a few solutions I can try!



Dr. Markus Weidenbach
Geographical Information Management
and Environmental Planning
D-77815 Bühl
e.mail see: http://landConsult.de
Am 25.06.2014 14:47, schrieb Bernhard Ströbl:
> Hi Markus,
> Am 25.06.2014 14:02, schrieb Markus Weidenbach:
>> Thanks, Bernhard and Giovanni for the quick response.
>> Bernhard, unfortunately the project is pretty complex and it is too much
>> work to reproject all data sets into the EPSG 3857 just for publishing
>> (the perfect integration of QGIS Mapserver and QGIS, allowing the direct
>> publication of QGIS projects with no extra work was the main reason for
>> me to choose QGIS Mapserver/QWC).
> I _think_ that otf reprojection of all your layers increases the 
> answering time of your server when requesting maps in EPSG:3857.
>> So, either I had to use my own reprojected background map or do
>> everything in EPSG3857 .....
>> :-\
>> Alternatively I could use one of the regional and public WMS which
>> serves 40 cm Orthos also in EPSG31467 and which I could use as
>> background information.
>> Do you know if there is a way to attach such WMS to the QWC?
> Yes you can. You can either load a WMS layer into your project (so 
> called cascading WMS). Thus this layer is printable. Or you can 
> configure it as background layer (a OpenLayers.layer.WMS object see 
> the OpenLayers documentation on how to do that).
> I do this in Customizations.js:
> function customBeforeMapInit() {
>     var myBackgroundLayer = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS("myName",
>         "myURL", {
>             layers: "myLayer",
>             format: format,
>             dpi: screenDpi,
>             VERSION: "1.3.0"
>         },
>         {
>             buffer:0,
>             singleTile:true,
>             ratio:1,
>             transitionEffect:"resize",
>             isBaseLayer: true,
>             projection:authid
>         }
>     );
>     baseLayers.push(myBackgroundLayer);
> }
> Bernhard
>> Regards,
>> Markus
>> -- 
>> Dr. Markus Weidenbach
>> *landConsult.de*
>> Geographical Information Management
>> and Environmental Planning
>> D-77815 Bühl
>> Germany
>> e.mail see: http://landConsult.de
>> Am 25.06.2014 13:16, schrieb Bernhard Ströbl:
>>> Hi,
>>> GoogleMaps is only available in GoogleMercator projection (3857), so
>>> if you want to use them you have to use this projection (in which case
>>> I would recommend to also reproject your data for the server, so QWC,
>>> the QGIS project and the data are in the same projection.)
>>> BTW: The GoogleMap is also not included in the print.
>>> Bernhard
>>> Am 25.06.2014 13:05, schrieb Markus Weidenbach:
>>>> Dear List,
>>>> I am running QWC on a Remote Debian 7 (QWC checkout from GIT HUB on
>>>> 25.06.2014) and on a local Win 7 (checkout in Marc 2014) computer.
>>>> I would like to publish my QGIS projects in its original CRS, which is
>>>> EPSG 31467 together with the Google Satellite/Street Background Maps.
>>>> So, I changed the "var authid" in the GlobalOption.js from 3857 to 
>>>> 31467
>>>> (and I also added the missing EPSG31467 record to the
>>>> libs/proj4js/defs).
>>>> After many attempts, I found that the Background Maps work only 
>>>> when you
>>>> set  var authid="EPSG"+3857 in GlobalOptions.js.
>>>> Consequently I can publish QGIS projects in EPSG31647 after switching
>>>> the "var authid" to EPSG 31467 only if I switch off the Google
>>>> Background Maps (in GlobalOptions.js with var enableBGMaps = 
>>>> false;) at
>>>> the same time.
>>>> Can anybody confirm this?
>>>> Or is there a setting to tell the Background Maps to transform
>>>> automatically into the EPSG given in the "authid" variable?
>>>> Thanks for any comments.
>>>> Markus
>>>> N.B.
>>>> I know, that I could save my QGIS projects in EPSG3857 to publish them
>>>> in QWC together with the Background Maps, but then I am loosing the
>>>> original coordinates and this also leads to some geometrical
>>>> inaccuracies.
>>>> -- 
>>>> Dr. Markus Weidenbach
>>>> *landConsult.de*
>>>> Geographical Information Management
>>>> and Environmental Planning
>>>> D-77815 Bühl
>>>> Germany
>>>> e.mail see: http://landConsult.de
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