[Qgis-user] QGIS - gdal

Alex Mandel tech_dev at wildintellect.com
Tue Mar 4 10:46:40 PST 2014

Run ldd /path/to/compiled/bin/qgis
See if it has gdal picked up. If not then add the gdal to the system
path or to a qgis specific conf in the ld conf folder.

Thats at least what I'm thinking about.


On 03/04/2014 12:02 AM, Paulo van Breugel wrote:
> I was the one reporting that issue :-).. The problem there was that qgis
> did not start. With the solution provided by that link, qgis starts
> without problems. It does not help however with the gdal functions not
> working, at least, not for me.
> On Tue 04 Mar 2014 08:54:37 AM CET, Alex Mandel wrote:
>> I suspect its an ld path configuration issue. Similar to this but with
>> http://hub.qgis.org/issues/5859
>> Thanks,
>> Alex
>> On 03/03/2014 11:50 PM, Paulo van Breugel wrote:
>>> Hi Matt,
>>> Yes I did, no luck. I now also installed QGIS and gdal using the
>>> ubuntugis ppa, and that works. But I still would like to get this to
>>> work to be able to use/test the QGIS development version.
>>> Paulo
>>> On Tue 04 Mar 2014 04:08:30 AM CET, Matt Boyd wrote:
>>>> Hi Paulo,
>>>> I'm a little out of practice configuring gdal in linux, but I vaguely
>>>> recall doing something like this a while ago, my apologies if this is
>>>> a too obvious.
>>>> Have you looked at the gdal tool settings in the raster menu of qgis?
>>>> Matt
>>>> On Mon, Mar 3, 2014 at 9:41 PM, Paulo van Breugel
>>>> <p.vanbreugel at gmail.com <mailto:p.vanbreugel at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>>      Hi I am running QGIS master on Ubuntu 13.10. All runs fine, except
>>>>      for any function  that relies on gdal (raster menu or the gdal
>>>>      functions in the processing toolbox). The functions work without
>>>>      problem on the command line, but QGIS cannot find gdal it seems.
>>>>      I compiled QGIS with the following gdal settings:
>>>>        * GDAL_CONFIG = /usr/local/gdal1.10/bin/gdal-config
>>>>        * GDAL_CONFIG_PREFER_FWTOOLS_PATH = /bin_safe
>>>>        * GDAL_CONFIG_PREFER_PATH = /bin
>>>>        * GDAL_INCLUDE_DIR = /usr/local/gdal1.10/include
>>>>        * GDAL_LIBRARY = /usr/local/gdal1.10/lib/libgdal.so
>>>>      I am actually not sure about the 2nd and 3rd.  Are those settings
>>>>      correct?
>>>>      I compiled gdal 1.10 from source in /usr/local/gdal and tried all
>>>>      the following:
>>>>        * added a gdal.conf file with the gdal lib path in the
>>>>          etc/ld.so.conf.d folder (ran ldconfig)
>>>>        * created a softlink of the usr/local/gdal1.10/bin folder in
>>>>          /usr/bin
>>>>        * defined gdal paths in /home/paulo/.bashrc by adding the line:
>>>>          export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/gdal1.10/bin
>>>>        * created executable file libraries.sh in /etc/profile.d with
>>>>          the lines
>>>>            o #!/bin/sh
>>>>            o
>>>> LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/lib:/usr/local/lib:/usr/local/gdal1.10/lib"
>>>>            o export LD_LIBRARY_PATH
>>>>      Any idea what to do next?
>>>>      Paulo
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