[Qgis-user] Installerpackage QGIS 2.2 OSX 10.6?

Paulo Gali Macedo pgmacedo at fc.up.pt
Fri Mar 7 14:48:35 PST 2014

Hi Joris,

Just to tell you , and the rest of the mailing list,..., that I have the same problem as you.

KingKaos has already told us he will no longer be compiling the new QGIS versions for Snow Leopard... 

I invited him to reconsider,...

Maybe we are not alone,... 

Let Our Voice Be Heard...!!!

All The Best

Paulo Gali Macedo

(Prof. Paulo Gali Macedo)

Departamento de Física e Astronomia
Faculdade de Ciencias da Universidade do Porto
R. do Campo Alegre,  687
4169-007 Porto
Tel . (+351)-220402854        


 R. Hernani Torres, 39 - 7 Esq.
4200-320  Porto
Home Tel .  (+351)-225021945
TM.    	   (+351)-965871512    

pgmacedo at fc.up.pt

On 7 de Mar de 2014, at 14:16, Joris HINTJENS wrote:

> Hi there,
> Just upgraded my Imac to OS 10.6
> Any chance to find someday an installerpackage QGIS2.2 for my OS?
> For now, “the computer says noo!”
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