[Qgis-user] QGIS Web Client for Windows 7

Bernhard Ströbl bernhard.stroebl at jena.de
Mon Mar 17 00:55:29 PDT 2014

Hi Markus,

Am 14.03.2014 12:37, schrieb Markus Weidenbach:
> Hi Bernhard,
> that´s the point ... *my QGIS Server is running*, please test following
> link without QWC:
> http://landconsult.no-ip.com/qgis/qgis_mapserv.fcgi.exe?SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.3.0&SRS=EPSG:31467&REQUEST=GetMap&map=C:/OSGeo4W/apache/htdocs/QGIS-Web-Client-master/projects/wms_demo.qgs&BBOX=3453493.9,5358354.8,3461626.4,5363507.8&WIDTH=1000&HEIGHT=800&LAYERS=weg,bach&FORMAT=image/png
> In your link, you missed the *.exe extension in qgis_mapserv.fcgi ....
> but when running it in QWC the *.qgi is not loading, test following:
> http://landconsult.no-ip.com/QGIS-Web-Client-master/site/qgiswebclient.html?map=C:/OSGeo4W/apache/htdocs/QGIS-Web-Client-master/projects/wms_demo.qgs

I missed the .exe because it is not called by QWC!
As I wrote: use firebfox with firebug and you'll see that QWC fails as 
"NetworkError: 404 Not Found - 

So you misconfigured the path to your fcgi. In GlobalOptions.js line 13 
var serverAndCGI = "/cgi-bin/qgis_mapserv.fcgi";


>> OK, now I can access it. Use firebug in firefox to see what happens.
>> If you do that you will realize that the error is that
>> cgi-bin/qgis_mapsserv.fcgi is not accessible.
>> http://landconsult.no-ip.com/cgi-bin/qgis_mapserv.fcgi?map=../projects/helloworld.qgs&&_dc=1394795203156&SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.3&REQUEST=GetProjectSettings
>> so first thing to do is to get your QGIS server running.
>> GetProjectSettings or GetCapabilities must return something sensible.
>> You can check this in your browser (or QGIS desktop). As soon as a
>> GetMap request is successful (check this e.g. in QGIS desktop) you can
>> start configuring QWC.
> Markus

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