[Qgis-user] How to darken a .sid layer?

ELHOA tmike.elhoa at comcast.net
Wed Mar 19 13:23:49 PDT 2014

Hello Carol,

Yes on my attempted method.

I'm trying to darken the photo, (.sid), so I can get more contrast with other layers which are overlaid on top of it; roads, parcels, rivers, etc.   

Sent from my iPhone

> On Mar 19, 2014, at 3:26 PM, Carol Kraemer <cakraemer at northrivergeographic.com> wrote:
> Hello Mike,
> You've been using the Layer Properties > Style tab to adjust the image display? I'm playing with a SID right now and have found a couple ways to "darken" the image but it might be different than what you are hoping to accomplish. What are you wanting to do specifically?
> -Carol
> -------------------------------------
> Carol Kraemer
> North River Geographic Systems, Inc
> http://www.northrivergeographic.com
> 404.431.0125 cakraemer at northrivergeographic.com
>> On Wed, Mar 19, 2014 at 3:16 PM, Mike Keelan <tmike.elhoa at comcast.net> wrote:
>> Hello list,
>> Can anyone suggest how I would darken (overall) a .sid file?  The available parameters in the properties menu seems not to do the job?  Is it even possible? 
>> I'm using Qgis 2.0.1 and windows 8
>> Thanks,
>> Mike K
>> -- 
>> <ELHOA Logo7.jpg>
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