[Qgis-user] Installing QGIS Server on RedHat EL 6.5

Alex Mandel tech_dev at wildintellect.com
Wed Mar 19 18:20:27 PDT 2014

On 03/19/2014 06:00 PM, Olivier Dalang wrote:
> Dear List,
> I'm trying to install QGIS server on Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server
> release 6.5 (Santiago) by following the instructions provided on QGIS.org.
> Unfortunately, it doesn't work so far.
> Here's what I did :
> 1. Add the ELGIS repository (as said here
> http://qgis.org/en/site/forusers/alldownloads.html#qgis-1-8 ).
> sudo rpm -Uvh http://elgis.argeo.org/repos/6/elgis-release-6-6_0.noarch.rpm
> 2. Run these (as said here
> http://qgis.org/en/site/forusers/alldownloads.html#id6 , only I removed
> qgis-grass which I don't need )
> sudo wget fedora.vitu.ch/EL/qgis.repo -P /etc/yum.repos.d/
> sudo rpm --import http://fedora.vitu.ch/Fedora/RPM-GPG-Key-vitu
> sudo yum update
> sudo yum install qgis qgis-python qgis-mapserver
> But I get two errors and the installation does not complete :
> Error: Package: qwtpolar-0.1.0-5.el6.x86_64 (epel)
>            Requires: libqwt.so.5()(64bit)
> Error: Package: qgis-2.0.1-1.el6.x86_64 (qgis)
>            Requires: libqwt.so.5()(64bit)
> Being no linux guru, I'm a bit lost about what to do... Any help would be
> much appreciated !
> Thanks,
> Olivier

My guess:
sudo yum install qwt

Might need to find a repo for it, I don't know what the best place to
get it is, here's some info:
That package supplies the libqwt.so.5 library


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