[Qgis-user] Pansharpening Landsat 8

Ioakeim Tellidis lists at e-noesis.com
Sat May 24 11:49:33 PDT 2014

Hello everybody,

I'm using QGIS 2.2 under Windows 7 installed from OSGEO4W. I have - I think
- a stupid problem with the procedure of pansharpening Landsat 8 images.
I am creating using r.composite without problem the rgb raster. Then by
using the pansharpening module from OTB I am trying to transform the
rasters Band 8 and the RGB but I 'm getting the following error:

OTB execution console output

2014 May 24 14:21:33 : Application.logger (FATAL) The following error
occurred during application execution : *c:\users\jmalik*

itk::ERROR: SimpleRcsPanSharpeningFusionImageFilter(00000000036B5020):
Inputs do not occupy the same physical space!

InputImage Origin: [6.4858500e+005, 3.7896150e+006], InputImage_1 Origin:
[6.4859250e+005, 3.7896075e+006]

Tolerance: 3.0000000e-005

InputImage Spacing: [3.0000000e+001, -3.0000000e+001], InputImage_1
Spacing: [1.5000000e+001, -1.5000000e+001]

Tolerance: 3.0000000e-005


Who the heck is that guy jmalik and why the software is trying to follow
his file path? I never had any user jmalik.

Why I am getting "Inputs do not occupy the same physical space!"?

The same data set is working perfectly under ENVI 5 but also using ArcGIS
10. With QGIS (that is my choice to work with) is bringing up this problem.

Does anybody know what I am doing wrong?

Thanks in advance.
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