[Qgis-user] Missing Attribute Table in QGIS Browser QGIS 2.6 (64 bit)

Lene Fischer lfi at ign.ku.dk
Mon Nov 24 03:56:41 PST 2014

Hi Richard,
Thanks - I´ll live and wait until 2.8 :-)

Lene Fischer

-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: Richard Duivenvoorde [mailto:rdmailings at duif.net] 
Sendt: 24. november 2014 09:47
Til: Lene Fischer; jkogelschatz at gmail.com; qgis-user at lists.osgeo.org
Emne: Re: [Qgis-user] Missing Attribute Table in QGIS Browser QGIS 2.6 (64 bit)

Hi Lene and Jane,

after testing this and trying out, and confirming, and creating screendumps to create a good issue.....

I found out this was already issue, which is recently fixed:


Looking into the issues it's 'Target is Version 2.8', so if it is REALLY important for you you should install QGIS nightly or testing for this.
Else we have to wait for 2.8 for the attributes to show up again.


Richard Duivenvoorde

so tip for today ( for me at least :-) ) always do a search in the issues first before starting to make screendumps etc etc

On 23-11-14 23:51, Lene Fischer wrote:
> Hi,
> Is there any reply for this question Jane wrote about earlier ?- I 
> have the same problem.
> See picture:
> Browser and inserted the attribute table. In the browser only the 
> feature id is shown.
> Regards Lene Fischer
> *Jane Kogelschatz* jkogelschatz at gmail.com 
> <mailto:qgis-user%40lists.osgeo.org?Subject=Re%3A%20%5BQgis-user%5D%20
> Missing%20Attribute%20Table%20in%20QGIS%20Browser%20QGIS%202.6%20%2864
> %0A%09bit%29&In-Reply-To=%3C007501cff872%247ae1eae0%2470a5c0a0%24%40gm
> ail.com%3E>
> /Tue Nov 4 13:01:17 PST 2014/
> Hello,
> I just downloaded QGIS 2.6 (64 bit).
> It looks Wonderful !!
> I cannot see the Attribute table in the QGIS Browser 2.6.0 (just the 
> feature
> id).
> I can see the Attribute table in the QGIS Desktop 2.6.0
> Can you please suggest what I should do to correct this ?
> I am running Windows 7 Home Premium.
> Thank you,
> Jane Kogelschatz
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