[Qgis-user] Add WMS in QGIS gives an error with Map request failed [error:Host http not found url:http://http//
Strunck, Alexander GIZ PS
alexander.strunck at giz.de
Sun Nov 30 01:48:06 PST 2014
Dear list,
I posted this issue a while ago in the forum but did not get an answer.
I got an URL from a friend who is working with Oracle MapBuilder. http://[IP]:11188/mapviewer/wms I tried to get the service via ArcMap and it was working.
Then I tried my beloved QGIS and there is a problem. I get the connection running and all layers are shown in the "Add Layer(s) from a WM(T)S Server". I choose a layer and it gets integrated in the Layers window. But somehow there is no map. It is the same problem for all layers.
When I check the log Messages I can see the problem
Map request failed [error:Host http not found
The beginning of the URL is the problem
and the part with the port
How can I fix the problem???
Thank You
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