[Qgis-user] loading layer style makes style invisible on canvas

Ramon Andiñach custard at westnet.com.au
Fri Oct 17 17:05:01 PDT 2014

On 18/10/2014, at 05:29 , Jake Maier wrote:

> Hi Everybody
> First of all, thank you all participants for this vital and first class listserv.
> I have a problem that looks like a bug but is so basic that I can’t imagine that it’s broken.
> I have a joined layer of soils with the soil attributes in the joined database. I also have a saved style for wetness classes.
> When I classify the layer  before I load the style sheet, I can display all the wetness classes with a random style attributed to each class and display the layer on the canvas.
> When I load the style for that layer and apply, nothing displays on the canvas even so I see the styles attributed correctly in the layer property window.
> I have no clue what may be the problem.
> Thanks for your help
> Jake

Hi Jake,

Could you check the field that the style apples to?
(Because it sounds a lot like when I apply my saved style that works on the "Au_ppb" field to a layer with an "Auppb" field)

Also, is the field you're classifying is in the joined table? 

Did the join work as expected?

And, is this in QGIS 2.4?


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