[Qgis-user] Export WKT format

Matthias Kuhn matthias.kuhn at gmx.ch
Mon Oct 20 09:39:13 PDT 2014

Hi Andrew,

WKT is a format for geometries and not a file type. Therefore it is not
possible to offer a save as WKT just like that. You can however easily
choose Comma Separated Value as export format and then choose AS_WKT in
the Geometry combobox under layer options.

Best regards,

On 20.10.2014 18:35, Andrew Gillett wrote:
> It is possible to export in WKT format by copying then pasting into a
> text editor. However, there is no WKT option when exporting via Layer
> -> Save As. Is there a particular reason for this, or is there a
> development list where I could request this?
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