[Qgis-user] [QGIS-pt] error in XML qgis layer style

Luigi Pirelli luipir at gmail.com
Tue Oct 21 01:12:12 PDT 2014

are you saving using sql or qgis functionalities? it seems you have an
already prepared XML and you want to insert in postgres styles table
using sql. If it so, add


before the update or insert statement

regards, Luigi Pirelli

On 21 October 2014 09:57, Pedro Costa <pedrocostaarma at sapo.pt> wrote:
> Sorry I write it in portuguese by mistake.
> I'm trying to save a qgis style in postgresql database but i receive this
> error.
> I think it's an error on XML document and tried to find in XML validator but
> i get no errors.
> Any tip about how to fix that or what is the problem?
> Thanks
> Em 21-10-2014 08:38, Luigi Pirelli escreveu:
>> are you trying to restore a pgdump?
>> estas probando a reimportar un dump de postgres?
>> a presto Luigi Pirelli
>> 2014-10-20 18:26 GMT+02:00 Pedro Costa <pedrocostaarma at sapo.pt>:
>>> Boa tarde pessoal,
>>> Estou a tentar gravar um ficheiro de estilo numa BD postgres mas recebo o
>>> seguinte erro na query:
>>> ERRO:  invalid XML document
>>> DETAIL:  Entity: line 1: parser error : Unfinished System or Public ID "
>>> or
>>> ' expected
>>> <!DOCTYPE qgis PUBLIC "http://mrcc.com/qgis.dtd" "SYSTEM">
>>> Pelos vistos é um erro no documento XML do INSERT da query:
>>> INSERT INTO (...)
>>> '<!DOCTYPE qgis PUBLIC ''http://mrcc.com/qgis.dtd'' ''SYSTEM''>
>>> <qgis version="2.4.0-Chugiak" minimumScale="-4.65661e-10"
>>> maximumScale="1e+08" simplifyDrawingHints="0" minLabelScale="0"
>>> maxLabelScale="1e+08" simplifyDrawingTol="1" simplifyMaxScale="1"
>>> hasScaleBasedVisibilityFlag="0" simplifyLocal="1"
>>> scaleBasedLabelVisibilityFlag="0">
>>>   <renderer-v2 symbollevels="0" type="singleSymbol">...
>>> (...)
>>> Alguém já se deparou com ele ou tem uma dica para o contornar? Já
>>> coloquei
>>> no XML Validator que não encontrou nada.
>>> OS Win7 64 bits
>>> Qgis 2.4
>>> Abraços
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