[Qgis-user] Vectors data and raster with same projection didnot overlap

Nadarajah Thirugnanasothy vnthiru at yahoo.co.uk
Wed Oct 22 23:51:55 PDT 2014

 I was trying to help someone and had similar problem with two sets of vector data. Tried all these methods and failed.When I searched the net to find an answer, I found many people have similar problem.What about some one actually showing how to do this with a data set and posting it as a tutorial (with screen shots) some where. I do not have the data set that I was playing with.
Thank youThiru(I am 70 years old & retired now. Had used ESRI/ArcView & Arc Info about 10 years ago )

     On Thursday, 23 October 2014, 4:24, Andre Joost <andre+joost at nurfuerspam.de> wrote:

 Am 22.10.2014 um 19:35 schrieb Yada Elisabeth:
> I follow many methods (exploring differents tutorials documents):
> 1- I set the in one project properties under CRS: EPSG:32631 -WGS 84 / UTM
> zone 31 N and open my layers
> 2- for the second project, I Rightclick -> "Set CRS for layer"
> 3- I tried the both (project properties and rightclick)

The only correct way to reproject a vector layer is to use "Save as..." 
under a different filename and different CRS.

If you are not sure which data is correct:

Set Project CRS to EPSG:3857 and enable on-the-fly-reprojection
Add a Openstreetmap or Google background with the Openlayers plugin
Add the untouched datasources one by one and chekc if they align to the 

André Joost

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