[Qgis-user] Help with Ordnance Survey SLD's for OS Mastermap

David James david at djames.org.uk
Mon Sep 1 04:19:38 PDT 2014

I should perhaps have said that I have the OS MM sample data in a PostGIS

The OS distributes SQL files with the SLD dfiles, but those files are
targetted at an Oracle database.

I found similar SQL scripts targetted at PostGIS at

The current OS MasterMap sample data appears to be slightly different to
what it was when tjmgis posted these scripts a year ago - the field
contents in the descriptivegroup and descriptiveterm columns in all except
the topographicarea table are no longer wrapped in braces and quotation
marks ({"xxx"}).

I couldn't find QGIS Style Sheets on the OS web-site for OS MasterMap -
they are available for various other products. If you find them, I'd be
very interested in a link.

> os_cat is a field used for styling in OS layers. The complication is (at
> least last I checked) the field doesn’t exist in the data as shipped.
> There are some SQL files on the OS website for creating os_cat (calculated
> from a combination of other fields) in PostGIS, but I’m not sure how
> that would be applied to shapefiles.
> I’m sure that OS have released proper QGIS Style Files now as well as
> SLDs. I can’t find them at the minute (too early on a Monday morning)
> but I’ll let you know when I do.
> Cheers
> Tom
> From: qgis-user-bounces at lists.osgeo.org
> [mailto:qgis-user-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Giuseppe Sucameli
> Sent: 01 September 2014 08:34
> To: David James
> Cc: qgis-user ML
> Subject: Re: [Qgis-user] Help with Ordnance Survey SLD's for OS Mastermap
> Hi David,
> IIRC that kind of variables are not supported by QGIS neither by the SLD
> standard.
> You must replace it with the correct SVG filename.
> Anyway, what is "os_cat" supposed to be? Is it a layer's field name?
> Regards.
> Sent from mobile. Sorry for being short.
> --
> Giuseppe Sucameli
> Il 01/set/2014 00:01 "David James" <david at djames.org.uk> ha scritto:
> I'm very much a beginner with QGIS and I'm trying to run long before I
> can crawl ...
> I'm trying to use the Ordnance Survey MasterMap Topography layer SLD's
> (from
> http://www.ordnancesurvey.co.uk/docs/styled-layer-descriptors/topography-sld.zip)
> to style the sample OS MasterMap data.
> Initially, I found that when I loaded the SLD file into QGIS, only the
> first rule was being picked up, but eventually I found tjmgis's answer
> in
> http://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/69854/styling-os-vectormap-local-in-qgis
> (that all the <FeatureTypeStyle> and </FeatureTypeStyle> except the
> first and the last in the SLD files need removing) and now I'm making
> progress.
> I'm struggling with one problem: there's a rule called
> <Name>Vegetation (pattern) - 1:35 to 1:3,496</Name>
> which specifies the SVG file as
> xlink:href="osmmsymbols/${os_cat}.svg"/>
> QGIS is showing me question marks in these areas (which I think means it
> is not finding the SVG file).
> Does QGIS support this use of ${os_cat} (and if so, what do I need to do
> to make it work?) or do I have to replicate the rule with explicitly
> named SVG files for all the different vegetation types?
> David
> --
> David James
> david at djames.org.uk
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