[Qgis-user] [Qgis-developer] Nominations for new PSC member - Treasurer

Tim Sutton tim at qgis.org
Wed Aug 5 14:42:46 PDT 2015

Hi all

Please note the important correction for my previous announcement:

> On 04 Aug 2015, at 23:51, Tim Sutton <tim at qgis.org> wrote:
> SWISS Citizen (this is a requirement for establishing a SWISS Verein, which is the basis we will use for creating QGIS.org <http://qgis.org/> as a legal entity)

So this is NOT a prerequisite. So feel free to nominate persons from any country. The only prerequisite we have for the QGIS.org <http://qgis.org/> formation is that one board member is from Swizterland - which is currently taken care of by the fact that we have Marco Hugentobler on the board.


Tim Sutton
QGIS Project Steering Committee Member
tim at qgis.org

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