[Qgis-user] Control Layers using Atlas

Alexandre Neto senhor.neto at gmail.com
Fri Aug 14 03:59:16 PDT 2015

Hello Thomas,

I had that need aswell. If data defined properties were made possible in
the map composer lock preset option, that would be something direct to do.

Just occured that one might somehow achieve that by transforming each
layer's symbology into a rule-based symbology, and set a general rule to
render the feature only if there is a match between a atlas coverage field.
Dont' know if that would work, but it worth a try.

Let me know if you could do it.

Alexandre Neto

Em sex, 14 de ago de 2015 às 11:44, Thomas Colley <
it087 at neath-porttalbot.gov.uk> escreveu:

> Hi
> Is it possible to use Atlas to print out a number of maps each showing a
> different layer instead of a different area of interest?
> I'm thinking the atlas layer would have the same area of interest polygon
> duplicated with an attribute that holds the layer name(s) to be displayed.
> I'm sure I have seen this discussed/explained somewhere before but now I
> can't find anything on it, maybe I've just made it up!
> Thanks
> Tom
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