[Qgis-user] Spatial Join and Process Modeler

Enrique filonio at gmail.com
Mon Aug 24 03:09:07 PDT 2015

Are you looking for "Processing modeler>QGIS geoalgorithms>Vector general
tools>Join attributes by location" ?


2015-08-24 7:58 GMT+02:00 Corredera_Estudio de Ingeniería GEOCOBET
CARTOGRAFÍA Y SIG <corredera at geocobet.com>:

> I saw that in the graphic process modeler QGIS Pisa and immediate Previous
> versions have disappeared "join by location".
> On the menu we do have this command (Table> Data Management Tools> Join
> Attributes By Location), but does not feature in Process Modeler referral
> nor in the processing toolbox. On the other hand, we find the command line
> "Join by location" offered us one thing and "spatial join" offered by other
> topological possibilities for joint detection. The serious problem is that,
> as said earlier, in the process modeler does not appear, so we can not
> introduce this basic algorithm in automatic processes. Do you know why this
> happens or that I am missing something? A greeting
> Un saludo
> *Francisco Corredera Quesada*
> *www.geocobet.com <http://www.geocobet.com>    corredera at geocobet.com
> <corredera at geocobet.com>   (+34) 928 80 87 42
> <%28%2B34%29%20928%2080%2087%2042>*
> *Geocobet Cartografía y SIG** recomienda **Google Apps for Work >>> *
> http://goo.gl/tvneCD
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