[Qgis-user] Trouble readings a view from a spatialite db

Andrea Peri aperi2007 at gmail.com
Mon Dec 21 06:25:50 PST 2015

I'm try to load a spatialite view on a qgis canvas.

QGIS show me the view in the list of available resoures.
When select the view and add to the canvas
I see nothing.
Also I see this error in the log file:

Error executing query: SELECT styleQML FROM layer_styles WHERE
AND f_table_schema='' AND f_table_name='censpopolazioneindustria1991'
AND f_geometry_column='geom' ORDER BY CASE WHEN useAsDefault THEN 1
ELSE 2 END,update_time DESC LIMIT 1

I dont understand if this is only a warning or a true blocking error.

Infact my db spatialite has no any layer_styles table that is
absolutelly no standard for a spatialite db.
And the phrase in the log "Error executing ..." pehasp is only a wrong phrase.

Is the existence of a layer_style table mandatory for the use of a
spatialit view on tha QGIS desktop ?

Many thx for any help.

Andrea Peri
. . . . . . . . .
qwerty àèìòù

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