[Qgis-user] Show background processes

Clay S clayms at gmail.com
Sun Feb 8 19:03:11 PST 2015

Is there a way to show the background processes that are causing QGIS to
take 10 to 20 minutes to refresh a map view?

I recently moved some layers to a local network drive that is very fast
otherwise and the file has become unusable.  I get "(Not Responding)",
Windows circle of death and the back and forth status indicator on the QGIS
Status Bar for a very long time.

I can't pan, select, zoom or do really anything without causing a 10 or 20
minute delay while QGIS refreshes the view.

This project had many other layers that were on this same drive before the
issue started.  So I am fairly confident it is not the drive.

Is there a list of GIS file types that do not perform well on networked

The file types this project has:

   1. geojson (some layers previously on the same network drive with no
   previous issue.)
   2. shape (about half of the layers previously on the same network drive
   with no previous issue.)
   3. sqlite (about half of the layers previously on the same network drive
   with no previous issue.)
   4. gpkg (some layers previously on the same network drive with no
   previous issue.)
   5. various raster layers (most previously on the same network drive with
   no previous issue.)

I would really prefer not to have to delete everything and start form
scratch building the project up one layer at a time in order to identify
which layers are causing the hang.


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