[Qgis-user] Aerograms style

Alex Mandel tech_dev at wildintellect.com
Thu Jan 22 12:24:50 PST 2015

On 01/22/2015 12:02 PM, Andre Joost wrote:
> Am 21.01.2015 um 20:16 schrieb
> labiancamarilena at libero.it:
>> Dear all, I would like to customize the map using the style as
>> aerograms to show the intensity of a phenomenon, but I do not find
>> this option in QGIS. Can anyone help me?
> I am not sure what you mean by aerogram style.
> You can use a categorized or graduated style with colour ramps of reds,
> greens or blues on the data field you want to visualize, and add some
> transparency if you want to have a basemap shining through.
> HTH,
> André Joost

Did you mean something like this:

With the arrows showing direction and magnitude?


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