[Qgis-user] WFS-T update to geoserver fails

emmexx emmexx at tiscalinet.it
Tue Jan 27 06:27:13 PST 2015

Il 01/27/2015 03:05 PM, Richard Duivenvoorde scrisse:
> Hi,
> is it possible to use try out another wfs-t client to talk to your
> Boundless geoserver (for example a simple openlayers client)?
> If that one is also failing/hanging then you can point your energy into
> the Geoserver.

I don't know pretty well the gis desktop software. So I'm uncertain if 
I'm not using them properly or it is a geoserver or application problem.
I tried using udig but I couldn't connect to the wfs layer.
I don't want to add other layers of uncertainty to my knowledge.
I'll try to connect using some of the clients in the osgeo live 
distributions. I didn't know about it until last week.

> With Openlayers and using firefox with firebug (javascript debugging)
> you can easily extract the wfs-t requests and responses and rerun them
> using the extention 'poster'.

I never used wfs-t with openlayers but I developed some application, it 
shouldn't be too difficult.

> What I've seen before with a geoserver wfs-t was that the first edit
> went wrong (because of the missing of an id or so) and then subsequent
> edits were ok (though that was with an Oracle-layer....).

No, it is not my case. I just edit one record, update and the wfs 
service stops working.

> You should not be able to 'hang' geoserver using whatever client, you
> have to look into the logs of geoserver to see what happens. Do you have
> a lot of layers and is geoserver updating it's cache or so?

Not many layers, less than 10. Geowebcache is active.

> Geoserver has a lot of debug levels, try to raise the debuglevel to see
> what comes in at geoserver?

Geoserver logs are almost empty, no errors, not a clue. I'll try to 
raise the debuglevel.

> As I've used QGIS in combi with WFS-T before ad your osgeo live setup is
> succesfull, my first guess is the Boundless Geoserver, but I could be wrong.

I agree with you and unfortunately that is the worst scenario to me.

Thank you


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