[Qgis-user] Slow switching on or off a vector layer

Antonio Di Lecce antonio.dilecce2 at gmail.com
Wed Jan 28 04:37:21 PST 2015

Hi to all.

I was working on a project.
Project CRS was EPSG 2462 Albanian 1987/Gauss Kruger Zone 4.
Layers CRS same as project.
If I swicth on or off a layer it takes time (10-15 seconds)

Same project same layers both  having CRS EPSG 3857 the swicthing on or off
of a layer is istantanous.

Any suggetion how to solve the problem working with EPSG 2462 Albanian
1987/Gauss Kruger Zone 4 without waiting so much to switch on a layer.


Antonio Di Lecce
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