[Qgis-user] QGIS instalation and uninstallation issues

Jürgen E. Fischer jef at norbit.de
Sat Jul 18 00:53:40 PDT 2015

Hi Ramon,

On Sat, 18. Jul 2015 at 08:20:13 +0800, Ramon Andiñach wrote:
> For me QGIS works 98/99% of the time. Mostly the problems I have are not
> installation related - I think? I've had to do do a clean up of the registry
> once since 1.5.

That should also apply to Linux - just that you have to cleanup your .config.
But maybe not as often.   The problem here are the paths stored in the settings.

With the standalone installer you always get installations in different
directories - so every path in the user settings is pointing to the previous
directory after you start the new one.

Unless you deinstall the old version that might even keep working.  But might
lead to unexpected behavior.

In the OSGeo4W installer that happens less often - as not the whole path
changes, but only some paths within OSGeo4W change - eg. grass is in
apps\grass\grass-$VERSION.  But as the previous version of the package is
always replaced, it breaks operation if that happens.

I don't have a complete overview which tools in QGIS use paths set in the user
settings.  I guess it's mostly processing and grass - of which I'm both not a
heavy user.  It's probably easy to fix manually if you know that that is the
problem and where it is.

We only have one set of settings and don't migrate them.  So different versions
will all operate on the same set.  That also has two sides - you start out with
your previous settings and that is probably what you want, but there also
thing that doesn't work alike across all versions that use it and cause trouble.

We could switch to file based configs and add -configpath
%USERPROFILE%\qgis-config- at version@ to the shortcuts (@version@ would be the
actual version) - that way each version (but not each installation of the same
version) would use a different settings.

Also the affected tools could be changed either always to detect paths
dynamically or store them relative to the application path (which works for
stuff within OSGeo4W or the standalone, but not for external stuff like R).

> I've taken a suggestion from this list and now use the standalone for qgis
> and OSGeo4W for qgis-dev.

Yes, lots of possibilities.  You could even have multiple OSGeo4W installs.


Jürgen E. Fischer           norBIT GmbH             Tel. +49-4931-918175-31
Dipl.-Inf. (FH)             Rheinstraße 13          Fax. +49-4931-918175-50
Software Engineer           D-26506 Norden             http://www.norbit.de
QGIS release manager (PSC)  Germany                    IRC: jef on FreeNode                         
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