[Qgis-user] Satellite Image Geo-referencing

Ujaval ujaval at gmail.com
Tue Mar 10 04:51:39 PDT 2015

You can use the Georeferencer to do this. You can load the georeferenced
image into QGIS and while taking control points take coordinates from map
canvas. You can check out this step by step guide to know the process.


On 10-Mar-2015 3:51 pm, "Suvendu Roy" <suvenduroy7 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear Q-GIS users, I want to work on "image to image" geo-referencing e.g.
> ASTER to Topographical Sheet) for my research work, but I cant's get the
> option for it. Actually, I have an ASTER DEM image and I want to register
> it according to my base map. Please guide me for it. Thank You in
> advanced.
> *Suvendu RoyJunior Research Fellow-UGC, *
> *Department of Geography, University of Kalyani, *
> *Kalyani, Nadia-741235*
> *Alternative Mail Id: suvenduroy1990 at gmail.com
> <suvenduroy1990 at gmail.com>Mob. +91 9153128612*
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