[Qgis-user] Format GETFEATUREINFO request from QGISwebserver

Carles Vico Blanco carles.vico at geografos.org
Fri Mar 20 02:26:38 PDT 2015

> > Hi, I'm new in Qgis-user List.
> >
> > I wonder if it is possible to customize the html response to the
request "GetFeatureInfo" held by QGIS Web Server in the same way as is done
in GeoServer, MapServer or ArcGIS server with a template, css ...
> >
> > For now, the result of my GETFEATUREINFO request takes certain html
styles if displayed in the QGIS Web Client, but not shown in styles if
displayed in another mapviewer. To do so it, I need to act on the html file
styles but I have not found. I dont know if it is possible in QGIS Server?
> >
> > Thank you very much!!!
> >
> > Carles Vico
> >
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