[Qgis-user] SQL Expressions

Junior Delaz delazj at gmail.com
Mon Mar 30 05:07:47 PDT 2015

Niccolo, Nathan is right. his proposal is the simplier and recommanded.
But I think your formulae should work if you write
$atlasfeatureid || '_' || attribute($atlasfeature, 'name' ).
Only simple quote ' and not " near the field's name inside attribute
function brackets.

By the way, can someone explain me why for some functions (attribute,
getFeature), you need to use simple quote for the fields and double quotes
when using other functions ?
And when you double-click on field's name, they are always appended to your
expression with double quote. Can this be standardised ?

2015-03-30 12:02 GMT+02:00 Nathan Woodrow <madmanwoo at gmail.com>:

> You don't need to use the attribute function to get the current feature
> fields, just use the field name:
> 'output_'||  "name"
> "id" ||  "name"
> On Sat, 28 Feb 2015 at 01:59 Niccolò Marchi <sciurusurbanus at hotmail.it>
> wrote:
>>  Hi all,
>> I'm having some problems with the new atlas SQL features and I feel like
>> a dumb.
>> before 2.6 I've been able to set the output name such as "feature id _
>> feature name", but I can't understand (or make it work) with the new
>> functions $atlasfeature and $atlasfeatureid.
>> indeed, once started with the atlas production, a temporary image is
>> created and then overwritten, leaving me with nothing.
>> I tried with:
>> $atlasfeatureid || '_' || attribute($atlasfeature, "name" )
>> and then
>> attribute( $atlasfeature, "id" ) || '_' || attribute( $atlasfeature,
>> "name" )
>> ("id" is a numeric field within the table)
>> any suggestion?
>> thank you in advance!
>> all the best,
>> Nic
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