[Qgis-user] WMS Service Question

Randal Hale rjhale at northrivergeographic.com
Sun May 3 18:52:46 PDT 2015

I've been working with NAIP provided by 

Something changed on their end and I'm fixing the xml files I created 
from this service (created xml files anyone can load from 
https://github.com/rjhale1971/NAIP_WMS - currently all don't work).

I fixed one and now that one WMS connections is a color negative. I 
fixed several and they all are coming in as color negs.


I assume this is on the providers end and not mine (not qgis) - can 
someone verify?

Checked in QGIS 2.8 - Ubuntu - 14.04


Randal Hale
North River Geographic Systems, Inc
423.653.3611 rjhale at northrivergeographic.com
twitter:rjhale     http://about.me/rjhale

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