[Qgis-user] QGIS 2.8 runtime error

Leo Kris Palao lk.palao at gmail.com
Mon May 11 23:30:27 PDT 2015

Hi Ross and QGIS users,

I updated to QGIS 2.8.2 (thanks QGIS) but still I got the runtime error
R6034. I know this the issue is beyond QGIS, but can you give me some light
on how the procedure below works (if this works for most users with the
same issue):

Basically, I have the process explorer already and found out that there are
msvcr??.dll that is not in my windows system folder. msvcr71.dll and
msvcr100.dll located in path:\OSGeo4W\bin\ directory.

Step 6: Check the path before the application run. -- So I open QGIS and
the message is Runtime Error! Program: path:\OSGeo4W\bin\qgis-bin.exe. Is
this the path step 6 is referring to?

The solution is to remove the offending entry from the path using a batch
file. -- this is not quite clear to me how I will implement this one.



   Download Process Explorer here

   Start your application and reproduce runtime error R6034.

   Start Process Explorer. In the "View" menu go to "Lower Pane View" and
   choose "DLLs".

   In the top pane, locate your application and click on it. The bottom
   pane should show a list of DLLS loaded for your application.

   Locate "msvcr??.dll" in the list. There should be several. Look for the
   one that is not in the "winsxs" folder, and make a note of it.

   Now, check the path just before your application runs. If it includes
   the folder you noted in step 5, you've probably found the culprit.

How to fix the problem? You'll have to remove the offending entry from the
path before running your program. In my case, I don't need anything else in
the path, so I wrote a simple batch file that looks like this:


That's it. The batch file simply clears the path before my program runs, so
that the conflicting runtime DLL is not found.

Hope this helps!

On Wed, Apr 8, 2015 at 9:51 AM, Leo Kris Palao <lk.palao at gmail.com> wrote:

> HI Ross and QGIS Users,
> I tried the solution from the forum but still I am receiving runtime
> error. I run process explorer and found that msvcr71.dll and msvcr100.dll
> in my C:\OSGeo4W/bin\ directory. I tried to 1) remove both; 2) remove
> msvcr71.dll, and 3) msvcr100.dll but still I am getting the runtime error
> prompt when opening QGIS.
> When I installed QGIS 2.8 I erased first all the qgis files in my C:\
> directory before running the OSGeo installer. I do not know if this has
> something to do with this issue. Because before I installed QGIS 2.6,
> installed also using OSGeo installer, but I have no issue like this.
> Thanks,
> -Leo
> On Tue, Mar 31, 2015 at 3:56 PM, McDonaldR <McDonaldR at angus.gov.uk> wrote:
>>  Hi Leo
>> I had the same error a while back and I posted this to the UK QGIS user
>> group:
>> Anyone getting the following error on the latest update to QGIS via
>> OSGeo4W? The problem is a copy of msvcr90.dll in the
>> C:\OSGeo4W\apps\qgis\bin folder which clashes with the copy in
>> C:\Windows\winsxs\ folder.  Removing the DLL from the QGIS folder allows
>> the program to start without a hitch.  If you have QGIS DEV installed there
>> is no issue.
>> This post provided the answer and method:
>> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14552348/runtime-error-r6034-in-embedded-python-application/14680947#14680947
>> This happened after using the OSGeo4W installer to upgrade to QGIS 2.6.1-2
>> Whether this is just my install environment or affects everyone, I don’t
>> know.
>> Hope it helps
>> Ross
>> *From:* qgis-user-bounces at lists.osgeo.org [mailto:
>> qgis-user-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] *On Behalf Of *Leo Kris Palao
>> *Sent:* 31 March 2015 03:05
>> *To:* QGIS Mailing List
>> *Subject:* [Qgis-user] QGIS 2.8 runtime error
>> Hi QGIS Users,
>> I have this problem when opening QGIS. It reports:
>> Runtime error:
>> Program C:\OSGeo4W\bin\qgis-bin.exe
>> R6034
>> An application has made an attempt to load C runtime library incorrectly.
>> Please contact the application's support team for more information.
>> After clicking "OK" it loads QGIS. I have not tried to process anything
>> so I have no idea if this will affect some of the functions in QGIS.
>> I am using Windows 7 64 bit. Installed QGIS via OSGeo 32bit.
>> note: I already restarted my laptop.
>> Thanks in advance for any help,
>> -Leo
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