[Qgis-user] Ho retrieve the attributealias list

Andrea Peri aperi2007 at gmail.com
Mon Nov 2 05:28:39 PST 2015


I need to retrieve a list of attribute alias.
To do this, I try this code:

for lid, orientation in self.templateTable.model().getObjectIter():
   layer = QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance().mapLayer(lid)
       for idx, fld in enumerate(layer.attributeList()):

The qgis report me this error:

    for idx, fld in enumerate(layer.attributeList()):
AttributeError: 'QgsVectorLayer' object has no attribute 'attributeList'

But I see the AttributeList is available in that clas as reported from the


Perhaps I'm wrong something or the documentation API is obsolete ?


Andrea Peri
. . . . . . . . .
qwerty àèìòù

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