[Qgis-user] How to convert a QGIS project to a web hosted version

kimaidou kimaidou at gmail.com
Sat Nov 7 10:50:21 PST 2015

Hi all,

Lizmap documentation is here if needed : http://docs.3liz.com/en/index.html


2015-11-07 10:47 GMT+01:00 Uros Preloznik <uros00 at gmail.com>:

> If you have access to server and want to try on your own you can check out
> Extended QGIS Web Client.
> https://github.com/uprel/gisapp
> There is also "official" QWC and LizMap:
> https://github.com/qgis/QGIS-Web-Client
> https://github.com/3liz/lizmap-web-client/
> LizMap also has a QGIS plugin to setup web related stuff in QGIS project.
> All these are specially designed for hosting QGIS projects on your own and
> also have documentation how to start.
> regards,
> Uros Preloznik
> http://level2.si/
> 2015-11-05 18:25 GMT+01:00 Piotr Kania <p.kania at op.pl>:
>> Hi!
>> If you don't have time take a look at qgiscloud.com
>> Here:
>> http://qgiscloud.com/oper4/tax_krakow_qgiscloud2
>> is example - it looks exactly as my qgs project (group "postgis"- all
>> vector layers, "MAPA TOPOGRAFICZNA" and others - wms). The only limit is
>> that you can't have your local rasters, only wms. But good thing is all
>> settings from your local qgs project are in that web map - for example in
>> my qgs project wms layer "Dynamiczna hipsometria" (in English - dynamic
>> hipsometry) has transparency 50% - as it comes from the same lidar data as
>> wms layer "ISOK_Cien".
>> Here are others links:
>> wms:
>> http://wms.qgiscloud.com/oper4/tax_krakow_qgiscloud2
>> mobile version:
>> http://m.qgiscloud.com/oper4/tax_krakow_qgiscloud2
>> W dniu 2015-11-05 o 17:46, Jesse McGraw pisze:
>> All,
>>>     I've got a couple of personal QGIS projects that I was thinking it
>>> would be fun to make available via the web and I'm not quite sure where to
>>> start.
>>> Can anyone point me to a good from-scratch guide on how to do this? I
>>> could also use some suggestions on hosting as I've never tried this
>>> before.  Apologies if I'm asking a question that's been well covered
>>> already.
>>> If you're curious, the projects are on github:
>>>      https://github.com/jlmcgraw/aviationMap
>>>      https://github.com/jlmcgraw/natural_amenities
>>> Thanks,
>>>   Jesse
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