[Qgis-user] grass process: error

Eugenio Trumpy frippe12573 at hotmail.com
Wed Nov 11 04:55:11 PST 2015

Dear all,

I just compiled without error QGIS 2.13.0- bb339f7
on my ubuntu desktop 15.10.

I was trying to perform a stored process which use r.recode grass computation:
the process, after the filling-in the form, seems to be running however I got this error:

Algorithm hypocenters_recl starting...
Prepare algorithm: GRASSR.RECODE_1
Running recl_hypocenters_recl [1/1]
Parameters: input =/home/all_1981-2012_gap200_err05.tif, rules =/home/recl_hypo_dens.txt, -d =True, GRASS_REGION_PARAMETER =208387.400387,878387.400387,4034846.21089,4766846.21089, GRASS_REGION_CELLSIZE_PARAMETER =0
r.external -r input="/home/all_1981-2012_gap200_err05.tif" band=1 output=tmp1447246134674 --overwrite -o
g.region n=4766846.21089 s=4034846.21089 e=878387.400387 w=208387.400387 res=1000.0
r.recode input=tmp1447246134674 rules="/home/recl_hypo_dens.txt" -d output=output40bd0dab71444258949ba7a2f54b0c0d --overwrite
g.region rast=output40bd0dab71444258949ba7a2f54b0c0d
r.out.gdal -c createopt="TFW=YES,COMPRESS=LZW" input=output40bd0dab71444258949ba7a2f54b0c0d output="/tmp/processing/862eac91c1574e1ebcb9f0764c12f953/outputALGGRASSR.RECODE1.tif"
Error executing algorithm recl_hypocenters_recl 'GISBASE' See log for more details
I guess the problem is related on the grass module, so I tested the module stand-alone: r.recode
a message box stated:

Missing dependency. This algorithm cannot be run :-( 
This algorithm requires GRASS to be run. Unfortunately, it seems that GRASS is not installed in your system, or it is not correctly configured to be used from QGIS
Click here to know more about how to install and configure GRASS to be used with QGISfor grass

Missing dependency. This algorithm cannot be run :-( 
It seems that GRASS GIS 7 is not correctly installed and configured in your system. Please install it before running GRASS GIS 7 algorithms.for grass gis 7

In my desktop grass7 (from ubuntu package) software works fine.

Can somebody give me hints?



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