[Qgis-user] to extract attribute for linking to shape, but making operations

Schroeder Natalia natalias at mendoza-conicet.gob.ar
Thu Nov 26 06:42:16 PST 2015


My question is the following. I have a shape of offices in a building, 
with its corresponding office code, and secondly, I have a database of a 
survey of several individual responses (per person). I need to extract 
data from the survey in order to link them to the office shape. For 
example, a survey question was to ask people to identify the office 
(with the corresponding code) he/she occupies. As a result, people who 
occupy the same office, responded with the same code. I want to link 
that with the shape, in order to have a count of persons who are sharing 
the same office. I am clear? But I can not find a tool that 'counts 
(summarizes)' how many people responded with the same code, and add it 
as a column of the shape.
Thanks in advance!

Natalia M. Schroeder
Laboratorio de Interacciones Ecológicas (LIE)
Instituto Argentino de Investigaciones de las Zonas Áridas (IADIZA), CONICET
CC 507, CP 5500, Mendoza, Argentina.
TE: +54-261-5244166

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