[Qgis-user] Applying transparency on the fly

João Carneiro jhcarneiro at axaeng.com
Tue Oct 6 07:28:55 PDT 2015

Hello All,

Is there any way (pythonic if necessary) to automatically apply nodata value
to rasters when they are opened in QGIS?


Currently the only two ways to do this is:

1.     Right clicking the raster layer and applying transparency values in
the nodata field; => Takes too long when working with many rasters.

2.     Creating a VRT, virtual raster catalog, with all files and apply
nodata to the whole list; => Need to know beforehand which files will be
opened (defeats the purpose).


My raster files always have the same nodata value, zero. Couldn’t this be
used to configure QGIS to apply this automatically?


PS – I’m using QGIS Pisa 2.10


Best regards,

João Carneiro

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