[Qgis-user] Who use reallythe Lwgeom-provider

Andrea Peri aperi2007 at gmail.com
Fri Oct 16 00:33:58 PDT 2015


We are interested to know how many users are really using the
lwgeom-provider and the MakeValid available in it.

The need is to understand how it is really knowed and used from the qgis users.

The question born yesterday when speaking with an our supplier it say
us that don't know this availability of the makevalid in the

So we try to show it the usage but see also that is was absolutely not
easy to activate for a qgis user..
Infact it require the availability of the lwgeom library that is not
installed from the osgeo4w standard installation (only in the advanced
and with a direct action by the user.

This faxt let us to thinkthat perhaps the lwgeom-provider is a quite
unusefl and substantially unknowed provider.

So we like to understand better this.
To decide if it is the right solution to plan to have the liblwgeom
function directly in the qgis environment or otherwise is better to
leave them only in the postgis or spatialite worlds and let the qgis
user to use them only with the sql interface.


Andrea Peri
. . . . . . . . .
qwerty àèìòù

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