[Qgis-user] WMS

Till Adams adams at terrestris.de
Sat Oct 31 10:24:41 PDT 2015

Hi Kayla,

may be this is an issue of the WMS you are using. WMS'ses are often 
restricted in max-pixel-output. Maybe your resolution and/or size of the 
printout output is too big, so that QGIS requests a too large image from 
the WMS. Then WMS doesn't give back a map-image.

Try a small output (small map) with a low resolution and check, if WMS 
will be printed. If so, go up with resolution OR size.

So far, Till

Am 31.10.2015 18:20, schrieb Kayla Hanning:
> Hi,
> I'm new at QGIS, however, when I first began learning this program I 
> was able to export my map with the WMS layer exporting. Now everytime 
> I export my map from the print composer my WMS layer is not exporting. 
> Leaving me just my shape files.
> Can anyone direct me the right way.
> thanks
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