[Qgis-user] DXF Export in QGIS 2.10

Thomas Cürten (WhereGroup) thomas.cuerten at wheregroup.com
Tue Sep 1 05:59:05 PDT 2015

Hello everyboy,

I have a question towards the DXF Export in QGIS 2.10 . When I try to 
export a project from QGIS into a DFX-file and open it in libreCAD, the 
labels are not presented correctly. Some of them don't appear at all, 
others are slightly dislocated and display further information towards 
character type, hight and so on in front of the actual label (e.g. 
Ubuntu|i0|b1;\H54.5776;/W0.75; Church).
Do you have any suggestions how i can avoid the additional 
label-information, export all labels into the dfx-file and get them in 
the right position?



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