[Qgis-user] Adding a Mac to a group of PCs

Andreas Neumann a.neumann at carto.net
Tue Sep 1 22:29:59 PDT 2015

Hi John,

I don't know what you mean by "cloudify" Postgis? But if you want more 
flexibility with Postgis connections I can suggest that you make your 
connection to a service definition and not to a host/database directly.

That way you can just change your service definition file and change to 
a different server/db in case you migrate your server or you want to 
switch between dev version/productive version. Or you can switch between 
localhost on your laptop and your company's LAN Postgis server. See 

Here is one example of a service definition:

Konsole output

Then you connect to service "pg_uster" and not directly to a 
host/port/db combination. I

In order for not having to type passwords I can also recommend to use a 
.pgpass file.
see http://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/libpq-pgpass.html


On 02.09.2015 03:59, John Harrop wrote:
> Any suggestions on how to "cloudify" PostGIS?  I would like to use it 
> as well and shared across more than the local network.
> Cheers,
> John
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Sep 1, 2015, at 9:38 AM, didier peeters <dpeeter1 at ulb.ac.be 
> <mailto:dpeeter1 at ulb.ac.be>> wrote:
>> Arni,
>> Postgis is certainly an excellent option.
>> Regarding the data sources, currently QGis cannot use relative paths 
>> to files or photos (at least) but to svg's in styling (and maybe 
>> other, I don’t have an exhaustive list). One option to bypass the 
>> files issue would be to use a web server and store URL instead of 
>> internal paths.  For instance you could have a web server, and 
>> whenever a file (or photo) is added generate with a Postgresql 
>> trigger the corresponding url in another attribute, making the file 
>> available to all the users, either through a form or through an action.
>> Didier
>>> Le 1 sept. 2015 à 17:45, Árni Geirsson <arni at alta.is 
>>> <mailto:arni at alta.is>> a écrit :
>>> Thanks Jim
>>> Your answer encourages me to try the PostGIS option - it obviously 
>>> has some other useful advantages. But your reply also made me 
>>> realize that the problem is really that much of the data I have is 
>>> on another network share - hence the problem with the paths. I 
>>> should simply move the data so that everything is on the same share 
>>> and and then, relative paths will solve the problem.
>>> Again, thank you for a very helpful answer.
>>> Arni
>>> Árni Geirsson
>>> *Alta ehf* // +354 582 5000 // +354 897 9549
>>> www.alta.is <http://www.alta.is/>  // Alta á Twitter 
>>> <http://twitter.com/alta_ehf> // Alta á Facebook 
>>> <http://www.facebook.com/pages/Alta/161795813838691?v=wall>
>>> On Tue, Sep 1, 2015 at 3:26 PM, James Keener <jim at jimkeener.com 
>>> <mailto:jim at jimkeener.com>> wrote:
>>>     Re: postgresql in my experience it's neither cumbersome nor
>>>     slow. Feel free to email me for help if you would like to
>>>     explore that route.
>>>     Are the paths in you qgs file relative or absolute? If their
>>>     relative, is the issue that the path separator is different? If
>>>     that is the issue, I would file a bug report. (If they are
>>>     absolute, try saving them with relative paths.)
>>>     Jim
>>>     On September 1, 2015 11:12:10 AM EDT, "Árni Geirsson"
>>>     <arni at alta.is <mailto:arni at alta.is>> wrote:
>>>         Hi
>>>         I am adding a Mac to a local network of PCs. The Mac user
>>>         uses QGIS (as well as the PCs) and accesses data on a shared
>>>         drive. Now the problem comes up that data sources have
>>>         different paths to the shared drive in each operating
>>>         system, making cooperation difficult. On the other hand,
>>>         since the .qgs file is easy to edit, some simple solution
>>>         might map the paths automatically on open and back on save,
>>>         to compensate for these differences. And maybe there is some
>>>         other solution out there.
>>>         I realize that having all shared data in PostGIS might be
>>>         one way to solve this but I suspect that it might be both
>>>         slower and a little more cumbersome.
>>>         All thoughts and suggestions are highly appreciated.
>>>         Árni Geirsson
>>>         ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>         Qgis-user mailing list
>>>         Qgis-user at lists.osgeo.org <mailto:Qgis-user at lists.osgeo.org>
>>>         http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/qgis-user
>>>     -- Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my
>>>     brevity.
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