[Qgis-user] Making oblique maps in Qgis: is it possible?
Jens Verwaerde | Natuurpunt CVN
jens.verwaerde at cvn.natuurpunt.be
Fri Sep 11 02:00:24 PDT 2015
I'd like to make an oblique (bird's eye) view of some of my maps.
Theoretically this is possible by exporting a map to an image manipulation
program and then using a tilting function, but ... that's an extra step and
... everything on the map is then "obliqued" including labels etc.
But I don't want everything to become oblique; text labels, arrows etc.
should stay "normal" and floating in the air above the map, so only the map
should be oblique.
Also is it possible to have diagrams that "point from the sky" to the
location on the oblique map instead of also becoming oblique?
Jens Verwaerde
lesgever natuurbeheer en natuurfotografie
t: 015 29 72 29 | gsm: 0491 15 03 57
Website: http://cvn.natuurpunt.be
Facebook: www.facebook.com/NatuurpuntCVN
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