[Qgis-user] How to get a searchbar working

Andreas Neumann a.neumann at carto.net
Fri Sep 11 03:07:23 PDT 2015


The question is: which search method do you want to implement?

There is:

1. a wsgi search script that requires a separate search table or view in 
your Postgis database
2. a built-in search method of QGIS server that doesn't require extra 
search tables, but is limited to layers present in the QGIS project
3. Search through Geonames or other external provider
4. the same as 1), but with PHP insteady of Python WSGI

I can only help you with option 1), since I introduced this search 
method. This should also be documented in chapter 6 of the README 
(https://github.com/qgis/QGIS-Web-Client/blob/master/README). In section 
6.2.3 you can find the table setup of the search method.

Option 1) is also used in our Web-GIS: http://gis.uster.ch/ - if you 
want to test it.

So if you opt for option 1) I can certainly assist you and improve the 
written documentation in the README, if things are unclear.


On 10.09.2015 16:59, geo at gis3700.be wrote:
> Hello ,
> Thanks so much for all the information on the web concerning 
>  Qgis-server/-clientJ
> After a try-out on windows, I decided to install a virtual machine to 
> set-up Qgis-server and -client on Debian Linux/ VWware
> It is working nicely!... except the search-panels.
> I’m not sure where I make the mistake… but there must be something I 
> do wrong…
> The “request” is working
> But when I try to fill out the data in *globaloptions.js, *it doesn’t 
> work.
> (intern)
> Please can you help me?
> What do you use to let the searchpanel left or address bar right work?
> /getSearchGeom.wsgi/
> /search_geom.php/
> /search.php/
> /GlobalOptions.js/
> /Or GeoNamesSearchCombo.js/
> How do i use it?
> What is the best way to build an easy address-searchbar?
> Is there a way of working for dummies???
> Thank you!
> Vicky
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